Monday, November 05, 2007

O boy depression

Today i'm so depressed. Woke up early and started the day off in class, only to realize when I got there that I didn't do the stupid lab for last week. Went through class half asleep but that's normal.

Now I was excited to call my buddy's shop to see if my car was done. Found out that he couldn't do the exhaust system for me. That sucked some royal ass so now I have to find some other place to do my exhaust system. Horribleness!

Then I went to AJ to see if he could find me places and he did, but it costs 3 bills for a quality exhaust system. Or I could go with an aluminized piping. AND my alignment is off which is no surprise but blah. And while driving it home from my buddy's shop I hear a loud ass banging on my passenger side when I go over bumps. Fuck. I don't know what the fuck that could be. I assume it's the shocks/coils but I don't know. I got mike to look at these shock/coils for me. just get me a price.

And to top it all off. I have like a shitload of assignments and projects due for the next could of weeks. I'm going to die.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's December now. You'll survive =]

8:16 PM  

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