Haha Last published journal was Feb 08! wow it's now June. Probably a good solid 4 months since i've last written anything. I'll try and update more often. Even though I don't think anyone ever reads these except for me when i'm super bored.
Well anyways i'm waiting to cool down from my shower so i'll just write stuff.
So I found out today that someone I know hooked up! Good for them! I think i'm totally becomming one of those guys who is searching for that one person to spend their life with. Actually come to think of it i've been doing that for a while now. But not counting the years i've spent since my last up till now but even before that. I guess i'm just more of a relationship kinda guy don't you agree?
The thing that drives me bonkers sometimes is why do we have relationships? I mean we hear from friends, family, co-workers, or even people on the street complaining about their bf/gf/spouce and such but is it really worth it? I think this is one of those questions that will never be answered because there is so much controversy in the matter.
I wonder where I stand on this subject matter. From my previous paragraph you'd think i'm against it saying that it's bad because it's complicated and such. But I think due to who I am and such, i'd have to say that it is possible to have love overcome many obstacles in a relationship. Guess that's the optimistic side of me talking there.
Ohhh that brings up something else to ramble about! This totally relates to me and I do believe that i've talked to someone about this too. But WHY oh WHY do nice guys always finish last? That is the question. I consider myself to be a nice guy though I wouldn't say i'm the perfect gentleman but i'm pretty nice for the most part. So why is it that nice guys who do the right thing when the time comes always come in dead last. While others who aren't so nice somehow find themselves higher than these nice guys. This has always confused me.
So many questions, no answers in my head that i'm satisfied with. Oh well, what can I say, the world ain't perfect and neither am I.
Well anyways i'm waiting to cool down from my shower so i'll just write stuff.
So I found out today that someone I know hooked up! Good for them! I think i'm totally becomming one of those guys who is searching for that one person to spend their life with. Actually come to think of it i've been doing that for a while now. But not counting the years i've spent since my last up till now but even before that. I guess i'm just more of a relationship kinda guy don't you agree?
The thing that drives me bonkers sometimes is why do we have relationships? I mean we hear from friends, family, co-workers, or even people on the street complaining about their bf/gf/spouce and such but is it really worth it? I think this is one of those questions that will never be answered because there is so much controversy in the matter.
I wonder where I stand on this subject matter. From my previous paragraph you'd think i'm against it saying that it's bad because it's complicated and such. But I think due to who I am and such, i'd have to say that it is possible to have love overcome many obstacles in a relationship. Guess that's the optimistic side of me talking there.
Ohhh that brings up something else to ramble about! This totally relates to me and I do believe that i've talked to someone about this too. But WHY oh WHY do nice guys always finish last? That is the question. I consider myself to be a nice guy though I wouldn't say i'm the perfect gentleman but i'm pretty nice for the most part. So why is it that nice guys who do the right thing when the time comes always come in dead last. While others who aren't so nice somehow find themselves higher than these nice guys. This has always confused me.
So many questions, no answers in my head that i'm satisfied with. Oh well, what can I say, the world ain't perfect and neither am I.
Good guys don't always finish last. Some things work out and other things don't. Some times you guys got to think, could it be that you had the chance, but you screwed up and now that opportunity is gone? Not saying anything, just my 2 cents. I disagree that people always think that good guys always finish last. Girls are aware of them, they are just too stubborn to say/do anything about it.
yaa i guess i did screw things up, unfortunately the opportunity come and gone like you said. I do want to try it again but I see that you've got your life laid out already and I don't want to ruin it for ya.
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