Sunday, December 13, 2009


Recent events have happened and it has come to my attention that people like to start random shit over nothing. I don't understand the logic behind it. (if any)

This time shit happened because of a comment made on facebook about a picture. A FREAKING COMMENT! It wasn't even that bad of a comment. Sure it was somewhat insulting but really, trying to start something because of that? Why? Such an insignificant comment got you so worked up that you want to start shit. Man, is it ever easy to tick you off then! I could say your car is a shitbox and you'll want to start something.

I find this type of behavior to be very immature. Like what happens if your on the subway and someone looks at you funny, are you going to get up and say "WTF YOU LOOKING AT" and then proceed to try and intimidate him/her more? Seriously if that is the mentality these types of people go with, then good luck in life. Guarenteed if you were somewhere in the states like, LA, New York, or i don't know, afghanistan or something and you said that to someone? Buddy by the end of the day you'd probably be shot.

Haha it just dawned on me that if these types of people read what I wrote, they'd probably start shit with me!! Oh well, whatever. That's enough for now. I should get back to work.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh umm hi. :D

iunno .. i'm just randomly passing by and just realse that you're similar like me (deep on the inside) and so umm yeah.

i have nothing else to say now.

tag/visit me if ya wanna. :D

4:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

send this noob to the vern and we'll show 'em how we roll in the hood. brap brap.

6:18 PM  

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