Saturday, July 22, 2006

Ever wanted to tell someone something but when you two are together it just doesn't come out? Like you're too scared of what might happen that you don't do it? I had that feeling today creep up on me. I want to tell the person everything that's on my mind. But I just havn't gotten the guts to do so. And now I fear it's just too late.

People who know me know what i'm talking about. It's been something on my mind for quite a time. Why can't I just say it? I read on a friends MSN names. "When you have everything you have everything to lose." Well likewise if you have nothing you have nothing to lose. So why the hell am I so scared? Scared of what? Rejection? Not like it hasnt happened before. Ugh, this is just eating me up inside.

I swear, the more time I spend with you, the more I'm reminded of why the hell I can't say the words in my head. I wish I could tell you, but I just don't know why I can't. We're close and everything but perhaps we're too close? So close that it'd be awkward? I don't know.


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