Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Almost there!

Half way done my busy week! Did almost everything on my list up till now. Just gotta push it that little extra more and it'll be over! =D sooon Jon soon!

I must say, building something from scratch gives you the biggest satisfaction of all. Mike's trunk has turned out to be somthing super great! =D I love it. Especially cuz we made it. =D Looks super sick. We better win some car shows this year. At least bring one trophy home or something. =D

Another great accomplishment for me was building my computer. I think i'm more partial to building and do-it-yourself type things. You get a greater satisfaction of doing it this way. But I don't need to say that I wouldn't want to build like EVERYTHING (i.e. dressers tables etc.) from scratch cuz that's just too hard. LOL Though the satisfaction of building those would be astronomical but just takes an amateur like me too long to do.

I'm so happy today! I'm going into my final exam with an 86%. So freaking sweet! BUT that's including my labs and problem sets. I'm not suppose to include that because FIRST you MUST pass a cummulative amount of both the midterm and the final before they add on the labs and problem sets. So basically the labs and problem sets are mark boosters. I've calculated it and it turns out that I need to answer roughly 20 questions out of 50 correctly to pass the course... and to achieve my goal of an 80% in the course, i'll need to get 37 questions correct out of 50.. so that's about a 74%. If I get this 80% i'm gonna be soo happy. Cuz then my GPA would have gone up by a bit. Which is exactly what I need because I don't like my GPA at the moment.

Almost done! just a lil bit longer! I CAN DO IT!


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