Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I've noticed something that i'd like to share with everyone. Ever go on friendsters or anything that is personalized such as AA, High5 and all that stuff, read a persons page, and at the end it says "I wanna meet anyone! just msg me!" that kinda thing? Ya, that's pure bullllllssshiiiittttt. I've actually tested this theory and i've messaged a couple of people like that. Wut do I get? a big fat NOTHING. LOL. Just thought i'd share that. If you don't really mean it, why bother putting it up? Makes no sense.

Well anyways, i'm working on my problem set for finance at the moment. I've decided to take a break from this because it's quite difficult and i'm not too into it right now. WOW, I just looked out my window and there's still quite a bit of light out. And it's like 8:30! pretty sweet! haha the days are getting longer!! love summer so much.

One more week and X-Men 3 comes out!!! =D sweeeetttt can't wait!! been waiting soo long for that movie. I don't know if it'll be good, but from what i've seen so far it's pretty cool!

Ugh, well i should get bak to work.


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