Monday, October 17, 2005

Totally random

Wow, seriously this was totally random. I just checked on friendster and I noticed I had a new testimonial and a couple of messages. I checked the messages and holy fuck. there were like 5 waiting for me. The weird part was that 2 of them were from people who are like 40+ who were looking for a relationship. LIKE WTF! i'm fucking 19! can you not READ my profile? LoL. The others were younger I believe who just started out basically. Another weird thing about the whole thing was that they all messaged me on the same day. Oct 15. Odd, But still I only added/responded to the younger ones. Why the hell would i bother with the people who are 40+ and already have kids! LIKE WTF! and they can't speak english for shit! lolz!

O man, i'm not sure what to do right now. A guy came up to me with a problem and he's like "yo, do you think you can help me out with ITM320?" it's the class that i'm advising for. And like he wants me to do his assignment for him. Cuz he's got like midterms and shit. LoL he was gonna pay me 40 bucks, so I said sure, whatever. Find me afterwards. I didn't tell him that it was like perfect. I assume he thinks that he'll get such a great mark on it. But honestly i'm not doing very well in that course. Not after the test. LOL. O well =P

Well, let's see now, I'm quite tired. been here for like 5 hours so far, helping people. It's not too bad, but when people don't understand this concept, it's frustrating. O well, it's still good. Helped them out for a bit then they left so it's good.

Ugh i'm hungry, i'm gonna eat my lunch Ciao!!


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