Friday, October 07, 2005


Well, i'm on my break right now. Just ran into Eric in the halls =P. He was going to class and looked like he was in a rush so ya! lolz

Well, let's see what's the news for today. Well I have a test today so that kinda sucks. But then it's Emily's Bday so that's good for her. btw.


There we go. Let's see, what else... I found out yesterday about some things that's been going on with one of my friends. I don't think things should've ended the way it did. But shit happens y'know. Kinda like the shit that happened to me about 2 months ago. So take care girl. My best advice I think would just be cautious of who you trust yourself with. I know I should take my own advice from now on as well. As well as some other people.

On another note, that same person told me some things as well. They were pissed off because most of her friends are like going places. And among those are my friends as well. I really hope they'll be aight tonight. Stay safe yo, and gimmi a call if y'all need me.

I wonder how things are going with you? We havn't talked in a while. People are tellin me to just say something and get it over with, but iunno. It was probably my misunderstanding of things but I don't know. I know the truth hurts and when mixed with bluntness, wow, it just sent me into a state of solitude. For the last what, 4 days I really didn't care what happened to me, to us, to anyone.

Well, whatever, maybe today will be the day we talk? maybe it wont. All I know is that I should really study. So i'm out. Peace


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