Work work work
Wow, exams are creeping up pretty fast. Am I worried. No... Am I studying? Not yet... Do I really care? Not really. LoL. I really don't know why i'm not caring that much about this semester. Maybe because things are just going crap for me. But I am determined to do very well on my exams so I can at least pull up my current high 60% to high 70% or 80%.
That's my goal for all my exams. Other than that, PARTY!!!! and watch x-men 3 =D ooo shit i wanna see that movie!! hahhaha I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS OUT IN MAY!!!! friggin! it's a whole friggin month! god damnit... well 2.. but frig! all this time i thought it was RIGHT before my exam, but NOOOOOO. GRRR can't even treat myself to a great movie after exams.. piece of shit...
well, in other news... ITS ALMOST PARTY TIME!!!!! sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettt Can't wait to goto the docks with everyone. Gonna be LOADS of ppl. Just hope it don't rain! haha otherwise it should be a great weekend with friends =)
Hmmmm lots of things on my mind lately. Not only school but other things as well. Quite a bit of should i do this and should i do that. LoL i'm too indecisive and don't know if change will be good or not. Cuz i'm quite content with where i'm at right now. Allthough I would like a better job than Tim hortons. cuz like at the moment i feel as if i'm getting the odd end jobs that nobody wants. =S
Blaaaaaahh yesss almost time to leave work! =D This is my last day =S so I only get another what, 96 bucks from today. *sigh* o well, better than nothing. =D Well anyways that's all i'm gonna say for now.
That's my goal for all my exams. Other than that, PARTY!!!! and watch x-men 3 =D ooo shit i wanna see that movie!! hahhaha I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS OUT IN MAY!!!! friggin! it's a whole friggin month! god damnit... well 2.. but frig! all this time i thought it was RIGHT before my exam, but NOOOOOO. GRRR can't even treat myself to a great movie after exams.. piece of shit...
well, in other news... ITS ALMOST PARTY TIME!!!!! sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettt Can't wait to goto the docks with everyone. Gonna be LOADS of ppl. Just hope it don't rain! haha otherwise it should be a great weekend with friends =)
Hmmmm lots of things on my mind lately. Not only school but other things as well. Quite a bit of should i do this and should i do that. LoL i'm too indecisive and don't know if change will be good or not. Cuz i'm quite content with where i'm at right now. Allthough I would like a better job than Tim hortons. cuz like at the moment i feel as if i'm getting the odd end jobs that nobody wants. =S
Blaaaaaahh yesss almost time to leave work! =D This is my last day =S so I only get another what, 96 bucks from today. *sigh* o well, better than nothing. =D Well anyways that's all i'm gonna say for now.
if you want a better job jon, you gotta go get it! its not gonna come to you.
lol, i sound so mean in that last post.
anyways... i'm bored.
and at work.
i'm bored at work...
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