Saturday, March 04, 2006

Ahhh, totally cool having family over. I absolutely love having my sister over with her husband. It's just so much fun listenning to everyone joke, and just have some fun. They have this thing about them that just brings life to the whole household. It's amazing. Totally love it =)

Iunno why but i've just thought about something I learned in Psych.. I think it was psych, or marketing or something, Iunno whatever the case is, I'm just reminded that we value losses more than we value gains. For example if you lost 100 bucks, and you later won back the 100 bucks in some contest, your level of satisfaction is still lower than what it was before you lost the 100 bucks. Iunno just some random thing that just popped into my head.

Well! I have a feeling that my marks are slipping this semester. My midterms aren't looking too promising. considering I got my accounting one back already and it wasn't that great. I hope I can make it up with the project and Final. I highly doubt i'll achieve the marks that I said in a previous entry but i'm still gonna try for it. LoL it's funny, I've always tried to do my best, to get high marks, and everytime I say that, or try harder, I end up getting the same grade. I think i've reached the point in my life where I don't really set a high goal anymore because I know if I try for it, i'll end up getting dissapointed when I fall short. It's sad I know =( But o well, being an average person is good enough for me. As long as i'm not a poor person in the future I don't mind. And hopefully my job will be something I like (computers, mechanic, or other things)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry to break it to you, but you may be stuck at timmies forever with me =]

9:17 PM  

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