I did sooooo bad
*sigh* I did soooo bad on my networking midterm =( even WITH the bonus I only got a 67% on the MC part =( Which means it is VITAL that I did at least an 80ish on the written part JUST so I can bump up my mark for the midterm. But i'm not even sure about that! =S Soooo screwed. At MOST I think i'd get a 70% or so on the writtien =S just cuz I didn't know what 2 of the questions was and I bullshitted it. O well.
Now to move onto my OTHER midterm that is on thursday. =S from what my friends have told me, all I really need to know are event tables and DFD diagrams. But I still probably need to know some other stuff there. But I don't know how the midterm is formatted so it'll be tough to predict what'll be on the midterm. O well, i'm just gonna concentrate mainly on the DFD diagrams and event tables.
Seriously, I don't think i'm gonna be able to get a job for this summer. I've applied to some places already but no reply =( *sigh* i'm gonna be a poor student working at TIM HORTONS for the summer! *cries* If that's the fucking case, I might as well go volunteer at some place. I'd rather do something I like for free than do something I don't really like for shit money. LoL yes i know i'm weird but goes to show that at least i'm not materialistic! lolz
Now to move onto my OTHER midterm that is on thursday. =S from what my friends have told me, all I really need to know are event tables and DFD diagrams. But I still probably need to know some other stuff there. But I don't know how the midterm is formatted so it'll be tough to predict what'll be on the midterm. O well, i'm just gonna concentrate mainly on the DFD diagrams and event tables.
Seriously, I don't think i'm gonna be able to get a job for this summer. I've applied to some places already but no reply =( *sigh* i'm gonna be a poor student working at TIM HORTONS for the summer! *cries* If that's the fucking case, I might as well go volunteer at some place. I'd rather do something I like for free than do something I don't really like for shit money. LoL yes i know i'm weird but goes to show that at least i'm not materialistic! lolz
You're not weird. You're just what I call an "unique" orange =]
dude, maybe its because youre TOO RICH. thats why you dont want money. hey, take my job for the summer, im sure you'll LOVe all that stress =D
Study hard jon....
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