When something is lost. Is it truely lost? What if it was an inanimate object such as trust, love, or friendship? It's really hard to say. When you lose an objecct, there's always the possibility of finding it. (With a little help perhaps) But something that you can't touch is much harder to "find" than a physical object. In my opinion, it is hard to "find" or "get bak" the non-physical stuff. It's basically human nature.
I walk around in the world minding my own business. Do what I have to do every day, and I live my life a day at a time. The past in my point of view, is the past. Of course, as they say, the past will haunt you. I try to not let that happen with me. If something is too far back in the past, I let it go. Probably the reason why I don't hate/keep grudges against people that are over 5-10 years old. I don't know if that's technically a good thing or bad thing.
But i've found that no matter what, after i've "let it go" it's hard to get bak to the point that was once achievable in the past. It's hard to communicate, hard to just do anything.
I don't know what i'm saying anymore. But right now, I'm not feeling too great. It's partially because I feel like i'm standing still. The world moves around me, and everything changes, while i'm just standing here, dumbfounded. People come and go, the ones we care about leave us, enemies come in masses.
I find it sad that there once was a time where the world was just right. Everything fit into place. Everyone had their role, played it well, and it was just our own little world. Where we could have fun, get along, talk about anything. Yes, that was a great world. The remains of that world is now but fragments. Bits and pieces lie here and there. We try frantically to put it together, but to no avail. We may accomplish putting it back together, but as i've learned...
"The value of something lost is greater than the value gained when the change is identical"I am sorry that it's been lost. Hope it is found someday...
I walk around in the world minding my own business. Do what I have to do every day, and I live my life a day at a time. The past in my point of view, is the past. Of course, as they say, the past will haunt you. I try to not let that happen with me. If something is too far back in the past, I let it go. Probably the reason why I don't hate/keep grudges against people that are over 5-10 years old. I don't know if that's technically a good thing or bad thing.
But i've found that no matter what, after i've "let it go" it's hard to get bak to the point that was once achievable in the past. It's hard to communicate, hard to just do anything.
I don't know what i'm saying anymore. But right now, I'm not feeling too great. It's partially because I feel like i'm standing still. The world moves around me, and everything changes, while i'm just standing here, dumbfounded. People come and go, the ones we care about leave us, enemies come in masses.
I find it sad that there once was a time where the world was just right. Everything fit into place. Everyone had their role, played it well, and it was just our own little world. Where we could have fun, get along, talk about anything. Yes, that was a great world. The remains of that world is now but fragments. Bits and pieces lie here and there. We try frantically to put it together, but to no avail. We may accomplish putting it back together, but as i've learned...
"The value of something lost is greater than the value gained when the change is identical"I am sorry that it's been lost. Hope it is found someday...
hmmm interesting...
I've had thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that I wanted to post too for like the past 2 weeks but sumthin (mostly lazilness) kept popping up and I never got it done lol
I think I need to write daily blogs but keep them a lot shorter so I can post sumthin.
oh, btw I think inanimate means an object that does not move. =P
The word ur lookin for is abstract or maybe sumthin along the lines of "not tangible"
good point nigel..
Do not linger in the past 'cause that will only hold you back. Keep moving forward, and the pieces of the puzzle will eventually fall into place. This is just a 1,000,000,000,000 piece puzzle...that's all. You'll manage =]
Nothing can be what it was once before (it's like dyeing your hair)..haha had this conversaion with someone. "You can never dye your hair to the colour you once had before! It just won't work!" Anyhoo...
patience, my friend...patience
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