Wednesday, November 30, 2005

That time of the year

It's that time of the year again everyone! Yup! the time of the year when everyone goes into hibernation to study for exams and everything. I too must go into hibernation so that I can get a good mark! =S I really need it too. I feel as if this semester was just terrible. Not just because of school, but other factors involved. I'm glad that soon this year will have passed. lol i've noticed that i've said that almost every year. There's always one significant moment within the year that i disliked and somewhat mark as a crappiness within that year. But of course there are happy times! =D and i mark those down too! =D just this year has a lot more negative than positive. *sigh* o well, what can ya do y'know. just hope the next year will be better =D

Soooooo what else is new. Oh, Dave headed off to china this morning. Won't be seeing that guy for about a month =S poop. dislike how many of my friends are so far away. Well, not THAT many but like virginia, dave, nigel sometimes, and cindy. sooo farrr haha. At least when we all get together, it's worthwhile! =D love our tight lil group =D

It's weird right now. I'm kinda tired but i woke up from a nap like 2 hours ago. dammn i think i'm getting TOO much sleep. I gotta start studying SOON. or else imma be fucked. I know i'm probably fucked for law. how the hell did i get a 62 in that law midterm when I was cheating off ppl who got a 75. like wtf. pisses me off. Maybe i should like go take a look at my test to make sure there aren't any discrepencies. OMG the highest i can get is a 77 in that course now. great... most likely imma get a 60-70 on the exam meaning i'll end up with a friggin C. god damnit

hmmm let's see what i might get in my courses.
ITM320 -- Possibly an A- if i try really really hard
ITM400 -- HAHA ummm, most likely no more than a B
ITM405 -- O GOD ok ummm probably no more than a C+
PCS182 -- I believe this one will be a B+ ish
LAW -- HAHAHA like i said above most likely a C

Fuck this semester bites major ass. bahhh whatever that's all folks! cant wait for winter holidays! =D


Blogger Gina said...

I was mentioned in your journal! :o

And at least you get an A this semester. I didn't get any last year. =( Hopefully, I'll rectify that this term.

6:59 PM  

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