Friday, February 24, 2006

Study day!

Yaaa that's right, i'm STUDYING today... something i havn't done at ALL during this whole week off. hahaha =D O well, i SHOULD read these 150 pages or so, but damn that's a lot of friggin reading! plus my friends told me what was on their midterm since they took it last semester and they said that their questions were mostly on cables and crap (btw i'm studying for networking) all the physical aspects of networking. So i'm banking on that it'll be similar. =D As for the multiple choice, they're all from the back of the book!!! hahaha! =D so i'll just study those, remember them and BAM i should be set... just gotta read the parts i'm iffy about... and i should be set for this midterm..

Other things I need to do is study for the Economics quiz on monday.. now it shouldn't be that hard, cuz it's pretty simple, but i usually read the book the day before and it usually works out for me. hahha =D

Then i have a midterm on thursday which i have NO clue what i'm doing... SO i haveta read on tuesday, wednesday and thursday morning to figure out what the hell i'm gonna do.. haha! I have a feeling i'm going to be screwed for that one. stupid DFD diagrams and Event tables. *grrrr* hehe... Ah well, this was a nice lil break... bak to skimming through my networking book =D


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