Friday, June 26, 2009

I'm awake! at 2:30 in the morning. Well not really AWAKE but more like I havn't slept yet. Going to goto bed after I write something here and cool off after my shower.

So the city is on strike. No garbage pick ups, city parks are closed, no rec pools. Sucks. What are you going to do though? People feel as if they've been wronged, the city isn't making effort to stop this so of course this is what's going to happen. More than likely I think that the city will just throw in a "work to rule" do-hicky and say "fuck you guys, get back to work"

In other news, Michael Jackson is dead! The King of pop is dead. Sad to see someone like that die. I'm very interested to know what was the cause. OD? Heart attack? It definitely wasn't something dramatic like a gun fight. Guess time will tell.

Lalala what to talk about. Oh i'm like in love with these songs I stumbled onto on youtube. It's from this girl named Jennifer Yi. She has a very soothing type of voice when she sings and it's so awesome. It's not like Britany Spears singing about "If you seek amy" or whatever but they're nice songs. If anyone has time listen to them and let me know what you think. If i'm a sap or whatever I don't care. Link is below.

I think that's about it for tonight. Going to go sleep now. Tiring day. Gotta clean my room tomorrow and work on my resume to send out to 2 jobs!! Hopefully I get it. Some good cash might be involved. =D

Monday, June 15, 2009

New post! wow!

Haha! so it's been a long freaking time since i've posted anything up. Guess it's time to start up again!!

Hrrrmmm, I think i have to check what i was rambling about last time. Ah yes... Well onto bigger and better things!

So my brother is finally getting married after like 8 years of dating his girlfriend whom he has a house and dog with. The downside to everything is that i'm the best man. I know I know, it should be an honor but I have to plan sooooo many things!!! Bachelor party, games to play during dinner, and i'm SOOOOOOOOOOO not a presenter. My game plan is to have a few drinks so i'm a little buzzed and then speak in front of people. None of this "picture everyone naked" crap. I honestly think that does NOT help what-so-ever. I just hope I can pull it off. The good part of this is that I dont' have a stupid time limit like in school and all i'm really doing is introducing games. I hope everyone likes them.

In other news.... I'm failing!!! I had made plans for my life and so far, it's not going according to plan. Well not in my mind. I had hoped to have a place when i'm 25. So that means I should be saving up for a decent down payment. Unfortunately, that money is non-existant. I have some tucked away, but not nearly enough to put a down payment on a place. Mind you my job isn't paying me handsomely either.

Such a fail. Not only that, but i'm still at home living with my parents. The only thing i'm gunning for is not to be a big of a fail as my sister. She's still living here. I won't release details but for all of you who know me, it's pretty fail.

On other notes... I recently came back from a visit with a good friend of mine. We had a blast for the weekend. Got lost a few times down in the states but we managed. I dunno about her, but I had a great time just spending time with her.

My buddy also just got a promotion so congrats to him! We went out to dinner and drinks to celebrate.

Hopefully greater news will follow tomorrow as i'll be participating in a volleyball tournament with my friends. I aim to win and bring down "Green Machine", "Bumpin", "I'd hit that", "Amir's Team". I just need to work on my "finess" as my buddy puts it. Apparently if there were score cards to rate our overall ability mine would be something like this:

Agility : 9
Power: 10
Finess: 2
Block: 7

We'll see if I can bring that point average up a little. Haha. Well let's see how well I can play this shooting game online while a bit buzzed.