Thursday, June 22, 2006

Time for another post! hahaha!

Don't know what to talk about really. Nothing to really talk about. I've been being me. Sitting at home doing nothing much. I've been putting off working out for this whole week. I feel so bad. If anything i'll go work out right now even though it's like 11 at night. LoL.

So, If I have nothing to talk about what on earth could this post be about?!?!? The answer to that one is.... I DON'T KNOW!! hahaha!

Well I guess I could just talk about some things. Earlier today I was sitting and chatting with my older sister whom I absolutely adore, just because she's like a perfect example of how I would like things to be in the future. But anyways we started talking about someone we know and how they're in a lil trouble financially.

One of my absolute goals in life is to NOT be in that sort of trouble. I don't ever want to be a person who crashes at friends house and overstays their welcome and such. Even though I do have family who would probably take me in even if I was financially impaired but like I don't want that for myself. I want to be able to pull my own. Live my life with out any help. Well I can't really say ANY help, some help is much appreciated but like not a constant help. Though I know that my plans for my life at the moment may not actually turn out the way I want, but at least I can say I have a plan and will try and make this work. If I fail, I guess i'll just haveta find a way to pick myself up and go at it.

I kinda wish that I would have something to do while i'm sitting at home instead of just sitting and taking up space and breathing air. I seriously need to find another job. I highly doubt i'll be able to find a job that suits me, so I guess i'll have to settle for some dead end jobs.

Another thing that's been kinda on my mind are relationships. One month from today will be the one year anniversary of me being single! I honestly can't believe that i've actually been single for a year now. I'm not trying to sound like i'm a PIMP or anything, but like it's an eye openner for me. I can tell you for damn sure it frees up your time like maaad. It hasn't helped me with school yet though. LoL I've been lazy as fuck still.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

boy o boy

Well, Turns out that I was going to take a shift for a friend that I was considering taking afterall. O well at least it give me something to do today, otherwise i'd just waste this day away like i did yesterday. Feel like such a bum and it's only been one day since i got off school.

At least i'm baking today. The always fresh mother fucker better not come or else i'mma snap on ppl.. never had an always fresh test go on while i was there YET! so yaaa then I have work tmr too from 11-7.. joy joy joy... then i gotta help my buddy with finance and shit.. uggghhhh this is so gay... *sigh* alright i should get rdy for work.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Almost there!

Half way done my busy week! Did almost everything on my list up till now. Just gotta push it that little extra more and it'll be over! =D sooon Jon soon!

I must say, building something from scratch gives you the biggest satisfaction of all. Mike's trunk has turned out to be somthing super great! =D I love it. Especially cuz we made it. =D Looks super sick. We better win some car shows this year. At least bring one trophy home or something. =D

Another great accomplishment for me was building my computer. I think i'm more partial to building and do-it-yourself type things. You get a greater satisfaction of doing it this way. But I don't need to say that I wouldn't want to build like EVERYTHING (i.e. dressers tables etc.) from scratch cuz that's just too hard. LOL Though the satisfaction of building those would be astronomical but just takes an amateur like me too long to do.

I'm so happy today! I'm going into my final exam with an 86%. So freaking sweet! BUT that's including my labs and problem sets. I'm not suppose to include that because FIRST you MUST pass a cummulative amount of both the midterm and the final before they add on the labs and problem sets. So basically the labs and problem sets are mark boosters. I've calculated it and it turns out that I need to answer roughly 20 questions out of 50 correctly to pass the course... and to achieve my goal of an 80% in the course, i'll need to get 37 questions correct out of 50.. so that's about a 74%. If I get this 80% i'm gonna be soo happy. Cuz then my GPA would have gone up by a bit. Which is exactly what I need because I don't like my GPA at the moment.

Almost done! just a lil bit longer! I CAN DO IT!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Busy Bee

Tonight I've realized how busy i'm going to be for next week and a bit. This is the list of the things i'm going to haveta do for the week to come.

Tues: Problem set + School
Wed: Work on Mike's Trunk
Thurs: Problem set + School
Fri: Formal
Sat: Work + teach Virginia to drive
Sun: Party
Mon: Problem set (mite take this day off)
Tues: Problem set + School
Wed: Study for exam
Thurs: Study for exam + Write exam
Fri: Give Chunt calculator and books and get bak my books
Sat: Free?
Sun: Help Chunt with Midterm and Work

Quite the list no? And on top of that i've been thinking about someone. Don't know what's going on in that region, but the question always arises "should I or no?" I wish this question could be easily answered just like the questions for finance. Simple numbers put into your calculator and it'll tell you the answer. Unfortunatly life is not that simple. There is no calculator that will be able to give you the answer. Since there is no calculator, it all boils down to one thing. Yourself. You are the only one who can make the decision. People can give you inputs on their thoughts, but ultimately it's you who decides. I have yet to make my decision. It's quite a troublesome decision to make since it keeps re-occuring at the strangest moments.

I do believe that i've planned out probably the next 6 years of my life. Just the big picture things though. I've planned to finish university and then take a year to try and find a good IT job. If that fails, then i'll goto college for mechanics for 2 years and then afterwards i'll try and either an IT job or a mechanic job. I think a mechanic job at any dealership could sustain me pretty well. As would an IT job.

The things that I havn't included in this lil plan is where i'll be living, who i'll be with (if any). I'd love to be able to share any success that i've had or downfalls with someone. But if anything i'm probably going to get a friend or two and just get a place. Could be a good way to bring a friend back from China/Hong Kong if she does go.