Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ehhh shit happens

I wonder if this philosophy that i've been following is really the right way for me. All my life, I never get too too caught up in things that spontaneously happen. The reason being is because I like to follow the "shit happens" philosphy.

For example, if you made plans with people and a couple hours before the event takes place they all bail on you, sure you get angry, but y'know what.... Shit happens. It's just natural that someone gets caught up doing something or is called in for an emergency or something. You can't really get mad and STAY mad just because they bailed on you. It's just stupid!

Why bother going through all the drama/greif/heartache (in some cases) when you can just shrug it off and let it be.

Personally I think that could be one of my very downfalls when dealing with people. Moreso when i'm in a relationship or something. People might think that I don't care, but they're wrong. If it's something that emotionally hurts the other person then I do care for YOU. I'll be there for you, I don't mind, but the situation itself well "shit happens". The thing that i've taught myself over the years is to brush it off, play it off as if nothing happened. this has been good and bad at the same time.

The good is that i've been able to keep many of my friendships. The bad is like I stated above, people might think I don't care. So is this trade-off really worth it? Maybe it's just me and i'm just too nice or something. That's quite possible. But who knows. I'm too freaking tired to think about anything so i'm just going to pass the fuck out

Monday, March 23, 2009

Another one!

Time for another one of these bad boys!

Sooo excitement is in the air!!! I'm actually going to be going on a freaking TRIP! And i'm not talking about just driving to Niagara (though it was super fun) or going to NYC (that was super cool too) but i'm actually hoping on a PLANE and going to CUBA!!!!! This is the FIRST, well..... SECOND trip i've ever taken on a plane. My first trip was when I was like 6 years old to San Fran. So now, after 15+ years, i'm taking another one to CUBA!! i'm sooooooooo excited. I wish more people could come, but shit happens right, so ya can't win them all.

Another thing to note that's super awesome is that my brother is getting married!! He proposed like a few days ago! Stupid brother didn't tell ANYONE about it prior to it happening and yeaaa was kinda cheesed that he didnt' tell me but whatever, i'll beat on him later =D

What else is there to talk about... I could talk about some other stuff but NAHHHHHHHH haha. That's all for now i guess!