Y'know i've been listenning to this song a lot. The song is called "Speechless" by Melissa O'neil. She sings about how it's the words we don't say that get in the way of the relationship. I find that this is very tru. Though not everything is caused by the words we don't say, but it does play a huge part in things. Examples of which would be things that you keep from someone and you don't say anything about it. That's just one example. There are definitly more but I don't feel like naming them.Now this brings me to another lil question that I must pose. Can someone be completely truthful and not be speechless? I don't know very many people who are quite that open except for maybe like 2 people. I myself, find that i'm a pretty open guy and can talk about anything that I have some knowledge about. I'm a pretty open person, and I rarely keep secrets from anyone who wants to know. But is this way any better than being speechless? I've already found that giving out too much information about oneself is quite bad... I shouldn't really use the word bad, but i'm at a lack for words at the moment, but exposing yourself to someone, especially someone you don't really know, too quickly, can either scare them away or just think of you as a good friend to talk to. When initially you intent was to be with them.
Great Night
Yesterday was such a great night! Went out to eat with a couple of friends, then we planned to watch X-Men 3 The last stand. The night was just super great!We went to Boston Pizza to eat at STC and as usual the portions at the place was kinda small, yet we still go back. LOL wonder why?! But anyways, we had dinner and then we went to go see if we could line up for seats for X-Men.I HATE this one security guard so much. I want to find out what car the guy drives and go fuck it up. Such as, a lil WD-40 in the key hole of his car to corode the internal mechanisms within so he can't use his key to get in anymore. A couple of key scratches and some sugar in the old gas tank. Well anyways, the movie was just awesome, twists and turns, and things that never really should have happened happened. Soooo interesting. They manipulated the movie quite a bit just so they could fit the story line. Still everything was great. Loved it. Kitty Pryde is such a cool character. Same with Jugernaught. Parts were sooo funny.After that great movie, we went bowling. and this was at like 2 in the morning. LOL it was great. No line up no nothing. we managed to play 2 and a half games in one hour. not bad for 4 people. LoL. Mike was on fire yesterday!!! kept getting all the good stuff yo! the first game was a CLEAR win for me.. mouhahahaha the second was a battle!Yup! taht was basically the whole day there. Such a fun day. Wonder what i'll be doing today. we'll see!!
I've noticed something that i'd like to share with everyone. Ever go on friendsters or anything that is personalized such as AA, High5 and all that stuff, read a persons page, and at the end it says "I wanna meet anyone! just msg me!" that kinda thing? Ya, that's pure bullllllssshiiiittttt. I've actually tested this theory and i've messaged a couple of people like that. Wut do I get? a big fat NOTHING. LOL. Just thought i'd share that. If you don't really mean it, why bother putting it up? Makes no sense.Well anyways, i'm working on my problem set for finance at the moment. I've decided to take a break from this because it's quite difficult and i'm not too into it right now. WOW, I just looked out my window and there's still quite a bit of light out. And it's like 8:30! pretty sweet! haha the days are getting longer!! love summer so much. One more week and X-Men 3 comes out!!! =D sweeeetttt can't wait!! been waiting soo long for that movie. I don't know if it'll be good, but from what i've seen so far it's pretty cool! Ugh, well i should get bak to work.
Yesterday we watched a great movie!!! =D Mission Impossible 3! granted the story line wasn't up to par but the action nonetheless was spectacular. It was quite funny at times as well. "you did that? wow..." LoL. That was jokes.From the looks of it, I'm not gonna be too happy with my current term marks. Apparently even though I went into almost every exam with a 75+ i've managed to somehow attain a lower CGPA than last year. Which only means that most of my courses are below my original GPA of 2.77. Kinda sucks so much for me. I really hope that there's a mistake or something.On another note, my computer should be put together this friday. I'm so excited to put it together. I think the hardest part will be sticking in everything. Just because everything is so delicate that I can't afford to have it break on me or somehting. And having monstrous hands like me, is not going to go very well with the tiny screws i haveta put in and such. Ah well so far so good!! i have a list of things to do this summer. wonder if i can do em all. LoL we'll see!
I'm Lovin' It
For the past couple of days, it's been just awesome. Chillin with friends, met some new people, and just everything. It's all been going good! Nothing to worry about such as exams or tests or quizes and crap.Started to hang out and talk to an old friend again! LoL it's been great, she's been fun to be with and y'know she's one of those people who you can talk to, and always get a laugh at something whitty that she says or something stupid she does. LoL but usually it's her whittiness that makes you laugh. =PMy computer is comming along nicely, just put in my hard drive, removed the original power supply and installed 2 rear fans. Now i'm gonna try and get some memory sticks, and my video card. After I get those, i'm pretty sure I can do a quick systems check and boot the baby up.Ya, i've just thought about it right now in the past like 10 mins that currently my life is pretty good. Everything seems to be decent. Aside from being unemployed it's pretty great. Got some kick ass friends to be with, great parents, going to have a computer soon. And y'know it doesn't bug me that much that I don't have a gf. Guess it's been so long since i've gone solo for such a long time that i've forgotten how it is. It does make me sad/jealous to see others together but I can easily turn a blind eye to it all. It's really not too bad. Kinda makes me think if this is the way it should be. But iunno! it doesn't really matter to me at the moment. My main concern is to find a job that is related to my field. Once i've got a job like that, and get some experience i'm sure things will turn up good. Just that starting nudge is needed.Hope that I will receive that nudge as soon as possible.